Monday, August 24, 2009

Continuing forward

I have one faithful follower on my blogs and I have 4 of them. I just realized I failed at doing something. I failed to put the "Subscribe to" button on here ugh!

I had started to think, well maybe my blog really isn't that good. Maybe the thoughts that come rushing through my little head are just simple ramblings from a madwoman. No, I just forgot to make it complete. I was going to give the blog up until I noticed that today. Maybe Ill get some followers now.

Anyhoot, I have had the biggest headache today. I did sleep ALL NIGHT in my own bed though yay! Ive been having some panic attacks during my sleeping hours and bouts of insomnia so it was really nice when I woke up to find myself still in bed! :) I still have not heard back from that doctors office. If I don't hear from them by tomorrow afternoon I'm going to call them again. I sent my application to them over a week ago so I know they should have it by now. If they don't tell me by Friday Ill drive to their office and ask them in person lol maybe they will get the point that I NEED to see a doctor right now, not next month.

I have another eye exam on the 31st, just a checkup to see how the surgery went from last month. I know as we get older we get tiny floaters in our eyes. But lately Ive been noticing some in my good eye. Not a lot like my left eye (I have retinopathy in my left eye) but I seem to have one tiny spot that's annoying the crud out of me. I just want him to take a look, even though the retina specialist looked last month too.

Almighty, you all have a great day and please Subscribe now that I have a button for it! LOL Ill subscribe back too!

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