Monday, August 31, 2009

Seeing in color

This is Monday and I started the Celexa last Friday. Although I don't feel it has improved my mood at all, I have been sleeping which is so wonderful by itself. When you can't sleep and you haven't slept, its like you look at the world in black and white. You see everything in front of you but you're not experiencing the full effect of life. When you finally get the sleep you have been deprived from it's like seeing the world in color for the first time. Yes My mood is still depressed but I have only been on this medication for a very short time. I need to give it a chance to bring my mood up. If it doesn't, Ill have to let my doctor know I need something better than this.

Tonight I have to fast and tomorrow I go into town to have my blood drawn for cholesterol, A1C, Thyroid and whatever else she wanted to check on me. I have been controlling my diabetes with diet but the last A1C test I had was a 7. I need to bring that down a little so I need to be on medication again for it. Its a big deal in the way I don't like taking medications at all. But I realize I need to if I want to get healthy again.

On a lighter side, tomorrow is my husband's 41st birthday! For the next 2 months I can rub it in that he is older than me. My birthday is rapidly coming though this November. I hate getting older! Oh well I guess its part of the whole cycle of life. He doesn't know it but I'm throwing him a surprise party. He thinks we are just going out to eat with his parents but his whole family is going to be there, it will really give him a 'pick me up' and put a smile on his face. He deserves it. Last year on his 40th birthday we were in a crappy Motel 6 in Waco Texas. We had to evacuate the day before for a hurricane. In fact we evacuated twice that week because of hurricanes and it was part of the reason we decided to move to Michigan, besides that he is from here and his family still resides here. So today Ive been just tidying up the house here and there. I painted a butterfly and some flowers on the new mailbox. We have to put a new one up because the snowplow hit the one that's up this last winter and just recently the door decided to fall half off lol.

Alright well I better get off of here to finish my other blog and then continue getting the house ready. I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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