Wednesday, August 12, 2009

So happy today!

Today was my 9th wedding anniversary. Im so happy! I'm as in love today as I was 13 yrs ago when I met him and 9 yrs ago then I married him. He is my everything. He holds me together at the seams.
Thats us!
We met when we were both truck drivers in a small truck stop in Georgia. When I first saw him I was like "Holy crap that guy's hot!" lol He left, but he returned after a few minutes and proceeded to spend the next 5 hours picking on me for being a "rookie" driver. (A rookie is someone who's been driving less than a year.) So the next day came and we ended up having breakfast together. The next weekend we both ended up laid over in the same place again. Same for the following weekend and every weekend after that for 3 months and finally we decided to just team up together. He stopped hauling houses and came to haul freight with me.

Spending 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with someone can be pretty hard sometimes. It doesn't matter how much you love someone when you're in a 8x10 foot area for every waking moment of your day. Most couples spend 6 or so hours a day today during the week. Try 24 hours! But you get through things, work out any issues, hang in there for the long haul. I have been to every state in the US except Hawaii and Alaska, been to Canada and Mexico with him. I've seen things being held in his arms that most people could only wish to see in their lifetime.

Without him I am nothing, held together only by his undying love for me. He is my best friend. My soul mate. My world.

I am so glad I married him. He has made my life incredible. Absolutely incredible! If I could give you one piece of advice, I'll tell you what my parents told me when I got married. Never go to bed mad. Always give your spouse a kiss and tell them how much you love them. Doesn't matter who's wrong or right, it only matters they know how you feel.

So with that being said, here are some pictures from out trip to Manistee Mi today :)

This is in the Manistee National Forest, it's so beautiful!

Pretty neighborhood decoration on a round a bout.

Uh yea, must be nice to be so rich you have to park your yacht out back of your house!

Manistee Lighthouse. It wasn't as big as I had thought it would be.

Manistee lighthouse just after sunset.

The lighthouse is on a long cement pier. It even has ladders so if you fall in you can climb out!

I love watching the sunset. Its so hard to get good color in pictures on my camera!

I could have just stayed here all night too, but then the bugs came. lol

Quack quack! I love duckies!

You could see the bottom nearly all the way out to the end of the pier. I love the patterns the water makes in the sand with the current.

I'm telling you I would move just so I could hang out here everyday.

I love beach grass, it's just so pretty.

Manistee Mi Elevation 606 ft. I learned something today!

Just a weather worn bench on the beach I thought was cool looking.

Last but not least my all time favorite sign in the state of Michigan! However, I've never seen a bear here!

Well that's all for now. Be good to each other, whoever you are :)

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